
Showing posts from February, 2013

Janx Makes a Surf Video...

Well here's  Olas Permanentes - El Zonte, La Libertad - ElSalvador 2013 A Small Surf Hostel just a short trek from the capital. A Friend of mine Mathieu took a bodyboarding trip. What better way to wash the  February  cold blues away.  Equipped  with his GoPro camera strapped to his board he came back with beautiful images of beach life in El Salvador... With his return to the cold here in canada. He had all this video and was not too sure what to do with them. In comes Janx. He dumped over 3 hours of footage on my desktop and asked if I could help put something together for him... Here's the result.  Disfruten!!!


Well after a long periode of moving, renovating and family stuff... I'm back in the Ottawa Valley! The studio is finally set up. First Order of Business... Complet the Video from my Summer/Fall trek of Ontario... Based at Bon Eco Design in Tamworth Ontario for a few months discovering Ontario's Provincial Parks, Conservation Areas, Cottage Lands and Rural Settings. Provincial Parks:  Bon Echo, Silver Lake, Sharbot's Lake, Charleston Lake, Sandbanks Tamworth, Erinsville, Enterprise, Camden East, Verona, Yarker, Syndenham, Petworth, Arden, Napanee, Haliburton, Minden, Kingston